Friday, June 5, 2015

Third Method of Solving IMO Optimization Contest Problem: Find the minimum value of $xy$,

Third Method of Solving IMO Optimization Contest Problem:

Find the minimum value of $xy$, given that $x^2+y^2+z^2=7$, $xy+xz+yz=4$, and $x, y$ and $z$ are real numbers.

This third method is provided by Mark, another blog contributor and he approached the problem using the well-known Lagrange multipliers method:

We are given the objective function:


subject to the constraints:



Using Lagrange Multipliers, we obtain:




Adding, we then get:


The third equation gives us:





And so, using the first equation, we find:



This reduces to:


Using the second equation, we obtain:


This results in complex values for $z$.

Thus, the first constraint becomes:


And from the second, we find:


Subtracting the first of these last two results from the second, we obtain:

[MATH]4xy=1\implies xy=\frac{1}{4}[/MATH]

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