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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Olympiad Trigonometric Problem (Continued)

 Previously we asked you, the educators or yourself, if you are a student to think of way(s) to find the ratio of PRQR in this thread (Olympiad Trigonometric Problem), we will now lead you to a credible way to solve for that intriguing hard trigonometric problem.

We in fact, should have the eagle eye sight and should be able to tell offhand that we suspect P=Q

The effort hence should focus on how to prove that is the case and hence deduce that PRQR=1.

This is when inequality comes into the picture and becomes the greatest helper to solve for intriguing problem!

Suppose Q>P. Then regardless if Q is an obtuse angle, the half of these P and Q are less than 90and so we have



and we also have



Multiply the two inequalities (*) and (**) together, we see that


and this contradicts to what we are told that the above is an equality. So, P=Q and hence, PR=QR, or more specifically, PRQR=1

The question now remains, can we prove P=Q based on the given equality using only the trigonometric method? We will try it in the next blog please stay tuned!

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